Welcome to our website!
The Yorkshire Devolution Movement is an independent pressure group set up in 2012 to campaign for a directly elected parliament for Yorkshire.
Here you can find lots of information about our Movement, about Yorkshire and about the type of governance and electoral reform we want to see. Look out for hyperlinks to further information that can be found throughout the site. These can be recognised as text in a lighter blue for you to click on, the first one being in the paragraph below.
You can also keep up to date with our latest news and campaigns, let us know your thoughts through the comments section on our blog and on each of our information pages or contact us via the details on our “Contact Us” page. If you agree with our goals, please visit our “Support Us” page to see how you can play a part in helping to achieve them.
We accept no responsibility for any communication (e.mail, social media or other) that has not been issued via an official platform of Yorkshire Devolution Movement.
To get you started on our website, here’s a Quick Quiz:

The outlines of the images above have each often been labelled by the media and other organisations as “Yorkshire” – But only one can be correct!
- Which one is it?
- What are each of the other three?
Answers beneath video!
Click here for Quick Quiz Answers

Region of Yorkshire & The Humber
Lieutenancies of N, E, W & S Yorkshire
Local Authority Areas of N, E, W & S Yorkshire
The first image, that of The Region of Yorkshire & The Humber, includes all those parts shown on the fourth image plus the Local Authority Areas of N & NE Lincolnshire.
The third image, that of the Lieutenancies of N, E, W & S Yorkshire, also includes all those parts shown on the fourth image but, in addition, includes the Local Authority Areas of Redcar & Cleveland, Middlesbrough and that part of Stockton Borough situated south of the River Tees (9, 10 & 11 on the linked map).
For further details and an explanation of the differences between the second image, that of Yorkshire, and the fourth image, click here.
Note for Nigel,
Very much enjoyed meeting on Yorkshire Day but I don’t have an e-mail address for you that works and I would like to get some notes re. the marketing exercise to you.
Appreciate your e-mailing me back so I have the right details in my contacts list and can send the notes over to you.
All the best
Thank you Steve.
It was a pleasure to meet you you too; very interesting discussions! Your e.mail has been received and reply sent. I look forward to seeing the notes to which you refer.
Take care,