Further to our article announcing that Notice of our 9th Annual General Meeting has been issued to Members (below) and further to that AGM taking place, the Minutes of that meeting are available here.
Notice of the 9th Annual General Meeting of Yorkshire Devolution Movement has been issued to Members. The meeting will be taking place via our in-house Jitsi video conferencing platform*, which will open at 1030hrs on 26th March 2022 for a start at 1100hrs. The Notice, together with the Agenda, can be viewed here.
To be as transparent as possible, the Executive Committee has resolved to exclusively offer online participation to all current YDM members and others directly engaged in delivering the event. Only the venue has changed, the date and times remain as stated on the Agenda. There will be no change to other conventions of the AGM, e.g. Only full members are allowed to vote.
Any Member wishing to participate should, please, email us in advance of the day so that we can send you a link and details of how to connect. Obviously, any light refreshments will be down to the individual to provide for themselves!
- Previously, given the extraordinary restrictions which were likely to be applicable for the AGM, the Executive Committee resolved to undertake the meeting online. This year, the view of the Executive Committee is such arrangements have proved to be efficient & effective, so intends to continue with the arrangements, unless a member wishes to raise a counter-motion for consideration by the Executive Committee.